Récapitulatif FAQ Schneider-Electric autour du M580 et de control Expert
Comme il m'a été difficile de retrouver les FAQ qui m'intéressaient, j'ai réalisé un regroupement ici
How to upgrade a M580 Hot-Standby CPU from a version ≤ 2.7
(This FAQ replace the previous FAQ FA411717)
In general, the M580 Hot Standby system can be upgrade without stopping the process.
This rule is true, except if the client needs to upgrade the Operating System of the CPU from a version ≤ 2.7 to a more recent version. In this case the client will have to move the two CPUs (Primay and Standby) in STOP. (Therefore this will stop the process).
Here is the procedure to upgrade an Hot-standby CPUs from an OS version ≤ SV2.7 to a higher version.The customers who wish to restart their system in the same state it was before the update, will have:
- To move in STOP the two CPUs.
- To transfer the data from the Primary CPU in the DTX file.
- To upgrade the OS of the CPU Primary and Standby.
- To transfer the application inside the two CPUs.
- To restore the data from the DTX file in the two CPUs.
- To move the two CPUs in RUN
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia
What does the Control Expert message: "XX% memory reserved for online changes of unlocated variables is used” mean?
What does the Control Expert message: "XX% memory reserved for online changes of unlocated variables is used” mean?
2. Product Line:
EcoStruxure Control Expert, Unity Pro
3. Resolution:
(Where "XX" is a value that depends on memory usage)
This message means that the XX% of the data memory (in Kbytes) that has been assigned for the management of the data memory is being used.
This message will appear if the feature named Create New data block on line has not been checked and if unlocated variables are created or modified.
The Create New data block on line feature allows adding or modifying variables without limitation of the memory block. When this option is checked the allocation of unlocated variables can be done online and it is not necessary to Rebuild all Project. Also when this option is checked, when the data memory area approached maximum usage a new area would be allocated without user intervention.
To find the option the next path must be followed:
Tools -> Project Settings -> Build Settings -> Create New data block on line
This function can be activated with an online change, while deactivating this function or changing the size of the free data memory requires a Rebuild All Project (offline).
If the option Create New data block on line is not selected , every time unlocated variables are created or modified they are added to the memory block of the PLC, and when the memory allocated is full then it is not possible to perform additional on-line modifications. In this case a Rebuild All Project will be required.
In earlier versions of Unity Pro a limited amount of free memory was available which was allocated to the declaration of new variables. Once the memory is full, the user is unable to create any more variables while online. It would be needed to go offline rebuild and reload the application. As Unity evolved the developers addressed this online change limitation by adding the selection Create New data Block on line.
If this FAQ did not solve your issue, you can chat with us at chat with us or e-mail us at customer.services@se.com to create a case with our Technical Support Team.
If you are not located in North America, please contact your local Customer Care Center for assistance:
Support | Schneider Electric Global (se.com)
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia
Is It possible to update BMENUA0100 firmware via M580 CPU ?
Yes, It is possible to update the BMENUA0100 module firmware via the SERVICE port of the M580 CPU:
1- The module should be on "Secured" mode ( more details here: https://www.se.com/id/en/faqs/FAQ000235297/)
2- A user account with "Installer" role must be created via the module webpage ;
3- With EcoStruxure Automation Device Maintenance tool, configure the BMENUA0100 backplane IP address to connect to the module:
4- Use the user account with the "installer" role previously created:
5- If it was the first time you connect to the module, It could ask to trust its certificate:
6- Select the firmware to upload:
7- Launch the update and follow the steps:
Best Regards.
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia
What are the minimum peripheral module firmware requirements for M580 Hot Standby?
Article available in these languages: Spanish
Below are the required minimum firmware versions in order to be compatible with a redundant M580 PAC.
Reference | Description | Minimum Firmware Version |
BMXCRA31200 | X80 Standard Drop Adapter | 2.14 |
BMXCRA31210 | X80 Performance Drop Adapter | 2.14 |
BMECRA31210 | X80 Performance Drop e-Adapter | 2.14 |
140CRA31200** | Quantum Ethernet Drop Adapter | 2.14 |
BMENOC0301 | M580 Ethernet Scanner | 2.04 |
BMENOC0311 | M580 FactoryCast Ethernet Scanner | 2.04 |
Note: Though matching revisions is recommended, as long as the above minimum requirements are met, mixing versions is allowed. ** Quantum drops are not supported with the BMEH582040.
If this FAQ did not solve your issue, you can chat with us at chat with us or e-mail us at customer.services@se.com to create a case with our Technical Support Team.
If you are not located in North America, please contact your local Customer Care Center for assistance:
Support | Schneider Electric Global (se.com)
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia
M580 Hot Standby CPU DDT Diagnostics
M580 Hot Standby CPU DDT Diagnostics
M580 Hot Standby CPU DDT Diagnostics
Product Line
Unity Pro
The Hot Standby DDT Data Structure has boolean variables available to determine if the Primary or Standby is running or if PLC has failed.
The Hot Standby DDT Data Structure - The T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT is the exclusive interface between the M580 Hot Standby system and the application running in a BMEH58•040 CPU.
The DDT instance should appear as: ECPU_HSBY_1. There are several elements that give you system information
The M580 Hot Standby T_M_ECPU_HSBY_STS Data Type presents the following elements under the LOCAL_HSBY_STS and REMOTE_HSBY_STS:
True: The PAC is in primary state.
False: The PAC is in standby, wait or stop state.
True: The PAC is in standby state.
False: The PAC is in primary, wait or stop state.
If this FAQ did not solve your issue, you can chat with us at chat with us or e-mail us at customer.services@se.com to create a case with our Technical Support Team.
If you are not located in North America, please contact your local Customer Care Center for assistance:
Support | Schneider Electric Global (se.com)
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia
What effect does the setting 'Initialize %MWi on cold start' have on M580 Safety PLCs?
Looking to understand the impact of the 'Initialize %MWi on cold start' setting with the M580 Safety Controllers.
Product line
Unity Pro XLS, EcoStruxure Control Expert
If %MWi is checked, on 'Cold Start' the Located Variables will be 'initialized' to what ever value is in the Value column of the variable.
If %MWi is unchecked, on 'Cold Stat' the Located Variables are ignored, if there is a value there already, it will remain as is.
*** NOTE: The Unlocated Variables do not react to this setting, they always 'initialize' on 'Cold Start'. ***
If this FAQ did not solve your issue, you can chat with us at chat with us or e-mail us at customer.services@se.com to create a case with our Technical Support Team.
If you are not located in North America, please contact your local Customer Care Center for assistance:
Support | Schneider Electric Global (se.com)
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia
What Modbus TCP Unit ID can be used to communicate to a BMXNOR0200 card?
When receiving Modbus TCPIP messages into the BMXNOR0200 and are any specific Unit IDs between 1-255 off limits?
Product line
Modicon X80
Unlike the BMENOC03x1 modules which have Index 100 and 255 reserved, in the BMXNOR0200: 1-255 are available.
If this FAQ did not solve your issue, you can chat with us at chat with us or e-mail us at customer.services@se.com to create a case with our Technical Support Team.
If you are not located in North America, please contact your local Customer Care Center for assistance:
Support | Schneider Electric Global (se.com)
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia
How to upgrade a M580 Hot-Standby CPU from a version ≤ 2.7
(This FAQ replace the previous FAQ FA411717)
In general, the M580 Hot Standby system can be upgrade without stopping the process.
This rule is true, except if the client needs to upgrade the Operating System of the CPU from a version ≤ 2.7 to a more recent version. In this case the client will have to move the two CPUs (Primay and Standby) in STOP. (Therefore this will stop the process).
Here is the procedure to upgrade an Hot-standby CPUs from an OS version ≤ SV2.7 to a higher version.The customers who wish to restart their system in the same state it was before the update, will have:
- To move in STOP the two CPUs.
- To transfer the data from the Primary CPU in the DTX file.
- To upgrade the OS of the CPU Primary and Standby.
- To transfer the application inside the two CPUs.
- To restore the data from the DTX file in the two CPUs.
- To move the two CPUs in RUN
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia
Is there a compatibility issue on weighing module ref "PMESWT0100" between firmware SV1.13 and SV1.15
Article available in these languages: Spanish
To improve the robustness of the PMESWT0100 weighing module, the recommandation of Schneider is to upgrade the firmware version of the module from SV1.13 to SV1.15. (Firmware SV1.15 is available on website https://scaime.com/).
By using this new firmware, to be able to generate correct application for our M580 PLC range, a new PME_DTM_Library version 1.032 must be install on the software UNITYPRO V1.13. A Hotfix “V13.1_HF0465853R_SCAIME DTM” is available in our website "Shoping_Kiosk".
A PMESWT0100 upgraded procedure is available in the Schneider website "shopping kiosk" and in the website https://scaime.com/.
This FAQ has been writen to inform our customers that we recommand to not use a PMESWT0100 module SV1.13 in a PLC system, whose the application has been generated with UNITYPRO software using the new PME_DTM_Library V1.032. or by using the software Ecostruxure_Control_expert.
The consequence of a such error should generate faulty data process inside the PLC.
Users who unfortunately don't follow this recommandation will have to upgrade the firmware of their PMESWT0100 modules.
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia
How to migrate a Safety application for Modicon M580 / EcoStrucxure Control Expert with a Safe Peer to Peer communication from ECE<15.0 to ECE>=15.0 and a CPU FW >= 3.20
- Modicon M580 Safety with EcoStrucxure Control Expert V15 implements a new safety time management principle no more based on NTP services.
- New peer to peer communication EFB are provided to replace legacy ones.
- Compiling an earlier application containing legacy EFBs will lead to compilation errors.
- ECE>=15.0 and CPU FW >= 3.20
here is the list of steps to go through :
- Set the application level to 3.20
- Suppress in the logic each instance of S_SYST_CLOCK_MX
- Replace in the logic each instance of the S_RD_ETH_MX FB with the S_RD_ETH_MX2 FB.
- Replace in the logic each instance of the S_WR_ETH_MX FB with the S_WR_ETH_MX2 FB.
- Create and connect the CONTROL_DATA to each of the S_RD_ ETH_MX2 / S_WR_ ETH_MX2 FB
- Add the communication transfer of the CONTROL_DATA from Receiver PAC to Sender PAC
- Do you want to delete all unused SAFE variables?
- yes
- Purge all unused variables in the Safety Data Editor, in the Function Blocks folder
- Purge unused Type in the Derived FB Types Editor
- no
- Delete manually all S_RD_ETH_MX & S_WR_ETH_MX variables, in the Function Blocks folder
- Delete manually all S_RD_ETH_MX & S_WR_ETH_MX FB types, in the Derived FB Types Editor
- yes
- Purge unused Types in the Types Library Manager – in the <Application> view of the types
FAQ Applicable Conditions (Optional)
Both CPU linked via peer to peer must be version SV3.20 or later
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia