Codes d'erreur EFs Communication report

Rédigé par Admin Aucun commentaire
Classé dans : Automatisme Mots clés : EFs

Value Communication Report (Least Significant Byte) 
16#00 Correct exchange
16#01 Exchange stop on timeout
16#02 Exchange stop on user request (CANCEL)
16#03 Incorrect address format
16#04 Incorrect destination address
16#05 Incorrect management parameter format
16#06 Incorrect specific parameters
16#07 Problem in sending to the destination
16#08 Reserved
16#09 Insufficient receive buffer size
16#0A Insufficient send buffer size
16#0B No processor system resources
16#0C Incorrect exchange number
16#0D No telegram received
16#0E Incorrect length
16#0F Telegram service not configured
16#10 Network module missing
16#11 Request missing
16#12 Application server already active
16#13 UNI-TE V2 transaction number incorrect
16#FF Message refused

Codes d'erreur EFs Operation report

Rédigé par Admin Aucun commentaire
Classé dans : Automatisme Mots clés : EFs

If the value of the communication report is 16#FF, the operation report will have the following values:

Value Operation Report (Most Significant Byte) 
16#01 No resources towards the processor
16#02 No line resources
16#03 No device or device without resources (*)
16#04 Line error
16#05 Length error
16#06 Faulty communication channel
16#07 Addressing error
16#08 Application error
16#0B No system resources
16#0C Communication function not active
16#0D Destination missing
16#0F Intra-station routing problem or channel not configured
16#11 Address format not managed
16#12 No destination resources
16#14 Non-operational connection (example: Ethernet TCP/IP)
16#15 No resource on the local channel
16#16 Access not authorized (example: Ethernet TCP/IP)
16#17 Inconsistent network configuration (example: Ethernet TCP/IP)
16#18 Connection temporarily unavailable
16#21 Application server stopped
16#30 Transmission error

(*) Code only managed by PCMCIA cards: TSX FPP20 and TSX FPP10

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