RPI CRA/BMENOCs et temps de cycle minimum de MAST avec CRA ou BMENOC03xx

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BMENOC Implicit messages

The recommended RPI for EtherNet/IP implicit message connections are 1/2 of MAST cycle time. If the resulting RPI is less than 25 ms, the implicit message connections may be adversely affected when the diagnostic features of the BMENOC0301/11 module are accessed through explicit messages or the DTM.



Custom RPI

Select this to configure the CRA->Scanner RPI setting.

CRA->Scanner RPI

Inputs: The RPI is the input refresh rate at which the adapter module sends inputs to the CPU with Ethernet I/O scanner service. The RPI is set in the subscribe field for the adapter on the remote I/O drop:

  • periodic mode: default value = 1/2 MAST period.

  • cyclic mode: default value = 1/4 watchdog timeout period.

Scanner->CRA RPI

Outputs: Outputs are passed from the CPU with Ethernet I/O scanner service to the adapter. The default values are:

  • periodic mode: default value = 1.1 * MAST period.

  • cyclic mode: default value = 1/4 * watchdog timeout period.

You cannot edit this value. The outputs are published synchronously or immediately at the end of the current MAST task.

NOTE: The default value for the watchdog timer is 250 ms. If the MAST task does not finish within the watchdog period, the process times out.

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